Advantages of Brush Fences

Built by the team at Peninsula Brush, a brush fence needs virtually no maintenance and is impervious to white ant attack.


To appease all neighbours our fences can be constructed with concealed framework, to look similar from both sides.


Peninsula Brush can even build you a new brush fence and gate being fully swimming pool compliant. That’s right, Beautiful private fencing where you need it most!!


Our fencing will enhance all garden and courtyard settings from the most formal of gardens to native bush and coastal blocks.


Noise issues? Brush Fencing by Peninsula Brush has tremendous acoustic value.


The Brush that is used to build our beautiful Brush Fencing is a renewable resource..once cut it will regenerate and be ready to be cut again in around 6 years.


There are very few construction materials around today that leave such a small carbon footprint as Brush Fencing!!